
Weather today: rain showers (an immense boost for the garden)

The Wild Columbine are in bloom wherever I look, either in the forest or in the garden where some of them have conveniently settled.  Monsieur Bunny seems to be getting bolder and bolder as he playfully hops or runs near the edges of the yard and across the driveway.  R.H. (Rufous Hummingbird) has declared the garden part of his territory and is fearless in defending it.  The False Solomon's-Seal is another woodland plant that has come into bloom recently.  It prefers somewhat shaded areas.
Wild Columbine (buttercup family)
Flowers:  attracts hummingbirds and bees

Wild Rabbit (Hare?)

Rufous Hummingbird

False Solomon's-Seal (lily family)
Flowers: very fragrant and showy