These are some flowering plants I saw while on a recent camping holiday in a semi-arid region of British Columbia.
I came across this little Aster flower when I walked a section of the historic Cariboo Wagon Road. Built between 1862 and 1865, stage coaches and freight wagons rumbled along the cliffs of the canyon, linking the Cariboo gold fields to Vancouver.
Growing to one side of the path in gravelly soil,
these cheerful flowers leaned out on a soft, fuzzy stem. Another characteristic: the yellow disc flowers gradually turn purple as seen in the photo.
This plant, known as Curly-cup Gumweed Grindelia squarrosa was found in another spot, close to the main highway. Other common names are Resinweed and Tarweed. The green backward curled bracts produce a sticky substance, and its roots can go down six feet, making the plant very drought resistant.